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angora ranch剧照

angora ranch


Justin is a young man bullied into working for his domineering father as an ad salesman. While on a trip south of Austin, Justin crashes his car in front of Jack\'s Angora rabbit ranch and he is forced to spend the night. But the night after is a choice as the two men fall in love, despite their age difference. Justin is in his early twenties and Jack is approaching fifty. Thrown in for humor is Jack\'s increasingly senile father who also lives at the ranch. He\'s a natural meddler and that combined with his memory loss leads to some hysterical situations. Justin learns how to love his own intolerable father and gains the confidence to pursue his artistic dreams. With modern recordings of 1920\'s jazz tunes by the Kris Kimura Quintet, Angora Ranch swings with the adventure of passionate love and self discovery.

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